Wednesday, March 20, 2013

So, I fell off the wagon a bit on the weekly blogging concept.  I will keep trying.  A good analogy opportunity for LSAT studying.  It is hard to maintain the intensity to prepare for this test when it is still months away.  Take the time now to schedule LSAT study time.  It doesn't have to be a lot, just an hour or two a day but make it every day.  Schedule it like you would an appointment and treat it as such so that other obligations won't get in the way until you find yourself two weeks out from the test wondering where the time went.  If you miss a day or two, don't compound things by telling yourself that you will make up for lost time until you are staring at a day with 8 hours of LSAT studying in it.  Just get back on that wagon, so to speak, and spend an hour or two studying.  Not unlike blog writing.  :)

Our next class starts in the next couple of weeks.  If you are thinking you might want to go to law school but are scared by the stories in the news, come talk to us.  We promise, we have never forced anyone to go to law school that didn't want to.
